Boy Scout Troop 86, (in existence over 70 years) offers a diverse, well rounded, scouting program exemplifying the Scout Law and focused on Scouting Activities and Camping Trips to develop outstanding Scouts. We are a “Boy Led” Troop, The Boys themselves develop the yearly program and take responsibility to run it. Our Scouts have contributed hundreds of hours of service to the community and thrived through our Scout led program.
Troop 86 has celebrated 97 Eagle Scouts to date. The Troop has Scouts on Camp Staff at both Monmouth Council Summer Camps, teaching Merit Badges and supporting Boy Scout Troops, Venture Crews, and Webelos to enhance their Summer Camp experience. The Troop has led efforts for Food Drives, directly supported our Troops in Afghanistan, packaged food for the disadvantaged, participated in numerous Civic Events, most recently picking 5,000lbs of vegetables, in conjunction with Farmers against hunger, to be donated to local food banks.
In addition to our regularly scheduled monthly camping trips, Troop 86 participates in both National and Council events and activities, such as, Sea Base, Philmont Scout Ranch (in 2014 we sent 6 Scouts and 4 Adults), Youth Leadership Training, National Jamboree, Order of the Arrow (The Scouting Honor Society).
Marlboro Boy Scout Troop 86 celebrates 70th Anniversary.
Celebrating 70 years of Scouting and giving back to the community
Brothers from Marlboro Boy Scout Troop 86 attain rank of Eagle.